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供应郴州夜视仪 白俄罗斯 战神 2.5x50红外线夜视瞄准镜

单价: 面议
起订: 1 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 2 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-10-20 14:57
浏览次数: 29
规格: 放大倍率:2.5倍;口径:50mm,内有红色十字瞄准线,可以关闭打开,关闭后可以作为夜视仪使用放大倍率2.5物镜直径50mm增强器1代视场45分辨率36电源类型3V(2*AA)工作温度-30-+40*大湿度93%体积mm270x80x85重量1.0kg白俄罗斯和美国合资的YUKON牌,全金属结构,做工质量达到军用标准。内有红色十字瞄准线,可以关闭打开,关闭后可以作为夜视仪使用。可以配接标准鱼骨滑道。物镜镜头盖为弹开式,紧急时刻可以快速打开。Body DescriptionThe NVRS Titanium 2,5x50 is remarkable with its mass-dimensional characteristics and high light gathering capabilities. Small weight is provided by especially strong and light titanium body.Optics / PerformanceNVRS lenses have high frequent - contrast characteristics. All optical units are made of a qualitative glass with plotting of multilayer clarifying coatings. On cleanness a field of vision the riflescopes meet the requirements of the most exacting buyers and are considered as one of best.Electronics / PerformanceEvery NVRS has a noiseless power supply unit, designed specially for the Yukon Advanced Optics`night vision. The electric equipment units of the riflescopes are reliably isolated, therefore a negative effect of the magnetic field of the Earth on a position of the aiming reticle is completely eliminated.Mount PossibilitiesAll NVRS have a wide range of mounts for a weapon, including Weaver/Weaver-Auto mounts, AK Side Mount, "Los" mount (for Russian rifles), Prism 14/200 mount. The mount Weaver-Auto allows essentially to speed up installation and removing process. For this purpose it is enough to fasten the fastening unit with the handle. The sight does not demand any ranging fire after reinstalling.商品名称:Yukon NVRS Titanium 2.5x50 Gen 1 Night Vision Rifle Scope编号:26013WL夜视增强器:1代放大倍率,:x 2.5物镜,mm :50 出瞳直径, degree: 15 视野角度, mm :45 分辨率, lines/mm: 36 工作电源, V 3 :(2AA) 工作温度, °C: -30 - + 40 *大湿度:!%: 93 体积:mm 270x80x85 实体店地址:广东省东莞市莞城区东纵大道地王广场第四区二楼2453号(真功夫扶梯直上二楼右转直走60米即到)热线:135809777250769-33367670QQ:155055479 网站:http://www.cxgw100.com全国货到付款!全国免运费!
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