品牌:HICHINE参考资料:http://www.hichine.com 海泰美信工业设备(北京)有限公司CAY磁力驱动离心油泵CAY型泵是磁力驱动的单、双级离心油泵,旨在输送不含固体颗粒的石油、液化气等要求无泄漏或不允许密封污染的介质,特别是输送高温、高压、易燃、易爆或有毒的液体。适合于石油精制、石油化工和化学工业等工业系统中。CAY型泵是在AY型油泵基础上改造设计的无泄漏全密封磁力泵,其结构型式、安装尺寸和性能参数范围与AY油泵相同。CAY is a magnetic-driving centrifugal oil pump, suitable to deliver oil, liquefied natural gas free from particles and the liq uids which permit no seals pollution, specially high tempera ture, high pssure, inflammable, explosive, poiso
nous liquids. Widely applied to refinery, petrochemical and chemical. CAY is reformed and designed in the ba
se of AY centrifugaloil pump. It is a no
neakage magnetic-driving pump. Its structure, mounting dimensions and specifications are similar to AY.性能范围 The main specifications:结构特点 :(1)CAY型油泵为单级单吸两级单吸悬臂式离心油泵 (2) 壳体径向剖分,泵安装的支承面在轴心线的水平面上,泵的进出口均垂直向上。泵主要由泵体、叶轮、轴、泵盖、磁转子部件和轴承部件组成。(3) 泵的轴向力由叶轮平衡孔平衡。 (4) 轴承,根据所抽送物料的特性可选用流动轴承、陶瓷滑动轴承、润滑方式为工艺液体自润滑。*流量Capacity: 4.9500m 3 /h * 扬程Head: 38240m * 温度Temperature: -45℃ ~ +250 ℃ **大工作压力The max working pssure: 4MPa The Features :(1)CAY has two structures, single-stage single-suction, two -stages singe -suction centrifugal oil pump with overhung casing(2)The casing is cut open in radial. The pump with radial outlet and inlet is made up of casing, impeller, shaft, cover, magnetic rotor and bearing(3)Arial force is balanced by several holes of impeller(4)According to various liquids, ball bearing, ceramic bearing, journal bearing can be chosen, self -lubricate bearing with the processing liquids海泰美信工业设备(北京)有限公司是北京一家专门做泵阀的生产厂家 欢迎来电咨询洽谈 咨询热线 010-83265380